Sunday, January 20
5am: I get up to go pee (again), but find some hemorraging.
6am: We get to the hospital
8am: It's no big deal, so we get sent home.
noon: What I think are contractions, start. They are approximately 20 minutes apart. They continue throughout the day.
10pm: Contractions are 10 minutes apart.
Monday, January 21
4am: Contractions are 5 minutes apart and pretty intense.
5am: We get to the hospital.
5-9am: I am constantly monitored. Only 1 cm dialated, but I am on the inducing list today so, they decide to induce me since I'm this far along.
9:30am: Inducing stuff is administered.
9:30 - 11:30am: I am monitored, an am supposed to be sent home after.
noon: Contractions are 2-3 minutes apart. They decide to keep me. Still 1 cm.
noon - 4:15pm: Many mutterings of why they can't they just knock me out and cut the baby out. Contractions back to 5 minutes apart, still 1 cm. New nursing shift is wondering why I didn't get sent home.
4:30pm: I ask to go home. We go home.
11:30pm: My water breaks.
Tuesday, January 22
midnight: Back at the hospital again. Contractions are still 5 minutes apart and they are even more intense. This time they decide to keep me.
4:30am: 3 cm. At this point, I've had maybe 5 hours sleep in the past 3 days. I opt for the epidural.
5-7am: I have the best sleep I've had in months.
7:30am: 6 cm. We hope to have this baby by noon.
noon: No baby.
1pm: 6cm. No progress.
3pm: 7cm. Not much progress.
4:30pm: Instead of thinning, my cervix swells. Plus baby is facing up. No good. We opt for the C-section.
4:30-6pm: Mutterings of why they couldn't just knock me out and cut her out on Monday when I wanted.
6:20pm: Baby is born. Comments made about Evie when she came out: "It's a girl!", "She's big!" (8lbs 6oz), "She's LONG!" (56cm), "Man, she's got some BIG feet!" (she gets that from her dad.)
Her feet are so big, that she is wearing socks sized for 6mos. All the socks that were newborn size are being used as mitts. I hope to get back into some sort of routine by the end of this week.
Congratulations! Evie is adorable! I have been waiting anxiously for news of the baby. I guess, both of our girls wanted to be late entering the world. LOL!