
To do List (In technicolor!)

Honestly, I'm only going to talk about 2 & 3 on the list because that's all the pics I gots for now:

2. I didn't finish up the shirt I started, but started and finished the one I wanted to do, and it didn't turn out to be a hoodie. I'm hoping to sell it on ebay, and it'll either go towards my spinning wheel fund, or the 'my new house needs central vacuum' fund. I know the pocket is a little lopsided, but it adds to the character, right? =P

What do you think?? Would it sell?
3. My plied yarn. My first plied yarn. It was very nice in it's natural color, but I like to dye, and I like bright colored yarns. So, I died it with some icing dye I had.

Sorry the pictures aren't that great, but I have this bad habit of taking pictures late at night in a dark room.
Guess that's it for now!! For my fellow Canadians, have a great long turkey filled weekend!

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