The Stinkiest Pooh Award Goes To...
Month Four.
So I guess the only time that I blog is to talk about Evie. Oh well. There hasn't been much crafting - or at least none for self consumption. I've been busy working on a couple of projects - a whole lot of buttons for the local zoo gift shop, and now I'm getting ready for a 'swap meet' for kids for the end of June. Gotta get those bibs and things ready. Other things this month:
- Evie has started solids! She was having so much formula before she went to bed (10oz! After breastfeeding!) that the doctor suggested that it was probably time for the baby gruel. She's had that, apples and pears so far. She loves the fruit!
- She can follow sounds now. When she hears the dogs bark or her daddy come home from work, she turns her head in that direction.
- We taught her how to pet the dogs. Evie seems to love to pet Milo. 'Milo nice nice!'
- Working on sitting up. She can maybe MAYBE balance for 10 seconds.
- Working on rolling over too. She can almost do it...she just needs a little help/nudging.
- She sat in her big girl stroller for the first time 2 days ago, we went for a nice walk with the dogs in the neighborhood. She must have thought it was comfy, as she fell asleep. Normally, we keep her in the car seat and click it into the stroller frame.
- She's sleeping up to 12 hour nights...she's averaging about 11 hours+. We are very greatful. We know that alot of other babies don't do this. She goes to bed at about 830 every night and is up about 730 the next morning.
- I taught her how to kiss mommy on Tuesday. It's not really like kiss, it's more like 'I'm going to devour your cheek'. And then it's covered in baby drool.
- Speaking of drool, Evie is SO DROOLY.
If things ever become less hectic, which I doubt, I'll try to post more. I'm on 24/7, so the only time I can get away is when Evie naps. But with the swap meet coming up, I need to work on those bibs and wet bags ready asap. The next time you'll probably hear from me is for Evie's 5 month. Or maybe I'll start blogging about her new foods as she tries them? Avocado is next. I'm guessing she won't like them as much as her apples and pears. Anyways...