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Evie celebrated her one month last friday. We celebrated with her daddy picking up some take away from our favorite pasta/pizza place (very mom and pops) on his way home from work. food!
We went for her one month check up yesterday. She seems to be developing well -- growing 2 cm longer (making her 'off the charts' %-wise), and gaining almost a pound since we were at the doctor's last (just about 10lbs!) The doctor made a joke that she'll be taller than mom by the time she's 5. Haha. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she was taller than me by the time she's 12...
All through her first month, we had trouble getting her to sleep more than 1/2 hour at a time. Turns out, the secret weapon is a binky. We couldn't give it to her before her one month in fear of causing her 'nipple confusion', but now that she's able to use it, she has slept much more soundly.

I'm starting to get used to her schedule, but still don't really have any time to myself where I can sew or knit, and actually find myself with a list of things that I need to do (taxes, banking, making appointments, etc). She sleeps at almost exactly midnight everynight and sleeps for anywhere between 5.5 - 8 hours (yay!). I would love for her to sleep a little earlier, but I guess 'baby' steps -- I'm more than happy for her to be sleeping at a 5 hour stretch. I just have to resort to my university days where I was going to bed at midnight and up at 7-8 in the morning...
I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead where she will start to be more aware of her surroundings, play with toys and maybe even hold up her head by herself!

Not much here on the front. Still trying to get Evie into a schedule. She sleeps somewhat during the night - I normally have to get up only once, but she doesn't really sleep during the day -- she cluster feeds. We are waiting for that to pass before I can get into anything crafty or sane/normal again. Poor Milo and Daisey want to hang out with me, but since Evie doesn't really sleep, we don't get to hang out too much even though I make an effort to talk to them any chance I get while I'm carrying Evie. At least it's slowly getting better...but I'm still exhausted. and hungry.

I can't believe how Evie has grown! She's already filling out her 3m size clothes. I'm going to have to pack away her newborn sized ones. Good thing I didn't buy too many -- I knew she was going to be big. I have a feeling she's going to be tall like her dad (who's 6'5"), and not like me (4'11"). She's 100% in length so far.