I'm still here...
At 48 inches around, there's really not alot I can do that won't put me in a super uncomfortable state. There hasn't been much knitting (a tiny bit of baby socks...), and definitely no sewing, and I have to take sitting breaks when making a meal that takes only like 1/2 to make. How many times have I been stuck in the middle of the stairs while going up because I run out of energy. BOO! So, with 3.5 weeks to go, I really hope that the baby comes early. I think he/she wants out too. When the baby moves about in there, he/she is so rough, that it seems like he/she is trying to break out of there. It makes for some uncomfortable-ness.
The husband and my brother are planning to attend a Popculture Fair in March in our city, so in anticipation, I've been making buttons and mirrors to sell there. Many of them are posted in my Etsy shop for the time being. There might even be a plan to set up an Ebay store for buttons and mirrors after the baby is born and we're set into a routine to help supplement some income while I'm on my maternity leave.
Salted Eggs
6 eggs
kosher salt
chinese cooking wine
Roll each egg in the cooking wine to coat, then roll in the salt to completely cover. Put the egg in a ziplock bag. I didn't want to waste the salt or the wine so atthe end I combined the two to make a kind of sludge and added it to the bag to help coat the eggs. Put the bag in a container and place the container in a cool spot that is not in the fridge (I put mine in the basement). Let sit for 20-30 days. I also smooshed the salt around in the bag every few days to make sure the salt coated the eggs properly.
Who Wants a Cookie?
Dog Cookies
2 cups Rye Flour
1 1/4 cups Rice Flour
1/2 Tbs Cinnamon
3/4 cups water (plus more if needed)
1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
Combine rye flour, rice flour and cinnamon in a working bowl. Combine water and apple sauce. Add the wet to the dry to form a dough. They dough may be a bit dry, add little bits of water as necessary until the dough comes together. Roll out to 1/4 inch thick and cut cookies.
With egg wash (1 egg + a little water), brush each cookie. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes. After the 20 minutes I normally just turn off the oven and let the cookies sit to let it crisp up more - Daisey seems to like them better that way.
I tried to take a picture of them enjoying the cookies, but none of them were clear. Boo. They were a little over zealous while eating them. An oven picture was the best I could do.
Green is my New Favorite Colour
Nothing special about the room before. The colors in our house are pretty dark, so it wasn't really 'baby ready' or anything like that.
After (but before the furniture came in):
After again (with furniture this time):
The other wall:
The room is pretty small, so that's pretty much the whole room. I was going to give the baby the bigger room, but I have so much craft stuff, the baby will just have to live in the smaller room until he/she needs the big room. We came to the conclusion that the baby will either grow up loving giraffes or hating them.
On the other side of things, I've completed a pair of baby socks and have started another pair. I'm not sure how many pairs I'm going to end up with, but socks seem to be my project of choice for some reason.
Satisfying the Cravings
Puffed Wheat Squares
1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons cocoa
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
6 cups puffed wheat
Measure out puffed wheat in a bowl. Lightly grease a 9"x13" baking pan. Set both aside. Combine butter, corn syrup, brown sugar, cocoa and salt in a large pot. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon (I used a silicone spatula) for 2 minutes before removing from heat. Add vanilla and stir briefly to combine. Pour measured out puffed wheat into the pot and quickly stir to coat evenly. Pour the coated cereal into the greased baking pan and use a damp spoon or hands to press the mixture evenly into the pan. Cool and slice.
Finally, Some Baby Knitting Done
Pattern: Slip On Booties from 50 Baby Booties to Knit
Yarn: Socks that Rock - I forget which colorway (I think pebble beach)
Started: September 26, 2007
Finished: September 27, 2006
I used the left over yarn from here. It was a pretty easy knit, about an hour a night. I do need some practice with the seaming though. I hope to knit a few more items for the baby, even if they are easy booties/socks, but our next big project right now is painting up the baby's room. We did the first coat this morning, and even it it was only about an hour's work, at 25 weeks, I felt pretty tired after. But it's all good. I just took a nap. =)
The Big 5
I had always wanted a pug. It got to the point where I finally convinced the husband (bf at the time) to get one. Milo was supposed to be small, like pugs are. Instead we got this giant of a pug, 40 pounds when he's trim, 50+ when he's not.
At first look, Milo looks so menacing. So many people were afraid of him...until they got to know him. They all concede that he's the most gentle dog anyone has ever met. He doesn't like when people put on masks, he doesn't like Yoda on the TV but he does like rotisserie chicken, roast beef and spam.
So Happy Birthday to Milo. Sorry there's no cake for him this year, Mom just wasn't able to make it with the heavy belly, but we did get to go for a nice walk in the neighborhood and I'll be sure to give him that extra cookie...
A Popular Conversation
"Really? That's still a long ways away. How far along are you?"
"About 21 weeks. So just over half way."
"Are you having twins then?"
"No. There is just one in there."
"Are you sure?"
"But you are so big."
"Big babies run in my family."
"Um. Yah. Good luck with that."
Repeat conversation with several people.
And One Makes Three.
I guess it makes 5 if you include Milo and Daisey. This would be the main reason as to not posting in so long. The first 3 months were mostly full of morning sickness and lots of fatigue. I have never felt so tired. Ever. Once I got into the 4th month, I graduated from nausea and phantom gagging to constant indigestion. We're into the 19th weeks (almost half way!), so I'm pretty aware as to what foods will make me sick and whatnot. I heard from friends about food aversions, and wasn't sure what mine would be. Turns out it's chicken, beef, and eggs. Blech. Just thinking about it makes me want to gag. So as long as I avoid those, it's pretty much okay. Baby's due date is January 13th. We tried to find out what the sex of the baby was at the ultra sound, but the technician really couldn't tell. I guess we'll have to keep waiting. I'm finding that the baby is sensitive to sound. Crappy players at guitar hero seem to make the baby restless (All I feel is random thumpings in my lower abdomen), as well as my friend's 20 month old playing the drums. He/she also doesn't like any pressure on my belly. He/she was really upset at the ultrasound technician when she was pushing down on my belly with the ultrasound wand. LOTS of movement there. The tech was having a hard time getting the pictures she needed to get.
So, there hasn't been too much on the crafting front. I practically even stopped cooking supper. I hope to start some crafting soon -- sweater, some socks, a quilt (even if it's a cheating one). Now that I'm feeling a little better, hopefully I'll be able to do more and post more. Speaking of the bun in the oven, it seems to be up and doing his/her morning exercises, ie, kicking me in the gut with it's tiny feetsies.
Inspiration...for perogy making.
It was a Secret...
The 'stage' before the 150 people showed up.
White Stripes in action!
Do Do Do Da Da Da
Mini Post
So for the time being...
Daisey likes to eat her hands before she goes to bed when she's having an allergic reaction. This was my solution to stop it...
Socks are from here.
Icky Thump.
Woot! The White Stripes are coming! I don't think I've ever been excited for a concert before. I guess that's due to my extreme selectiveness of music. I can't wait!
Take a Pasta Making Course.
Now I can make it at home and kinda know what I am doing...
Daisey and her Funny Noises
Daisey doesn't like to be bothered when she's concentrating on eating her bone...
ETA 04/23/2007: The last video was too dark and you couldn't see anything. I took a new one!
Time for Night Night
Milo and Daisey's cousin Dukes in some PJs I made but didn't fit anyone until now...
Toe Ups!
Needles: US 3
Started: February 7, 2007
Finished: March 12, 2007
Yarn: Socks that Rock, I think the colorway is 'Pebble Beach' (but don't quote me on that one)
Notes: These are the fastest socks I have ever knitted. They look fuzzy in the picture because I've already worn them a few times. I wanted to try some toe up socks but didn't want the boring stockinette so I took the basic idea of the Jaywalkers and adapted them to the number of stitches. I like these socks, but not as much as my original Jaywalkers. But I really do like knitting socks from the toe up. I'll just have to keep practicing that hourglass heel...
Peh heh heh heh Rogies, Peh heh heh heh Rogies...
Anyways, #98 on my 101 in 1001 list: "Learn how to make perogies"
My husband (being of ukrainian/polish descent) loves homemade perogies. We go, regularly, to a shop where they sell authentic kielbasa and homemade frozen perogies, amongst other things. Tired of spending $7 on like 15 perogies, I (of Chinese descent) vowed to learn how to make them for my husband.
I used this recipe, but instead of following the techniques for 'making' the perogies, I found this handy dandy tool that makes 18 perogies at a time.
1. Cottage Cheese and Potato
2. Saurkraut
3. Cheddar Cheese, Potato and Bacon
4. Dessert Perogies -- Apple, Blueberry
Unfortunately, I only got to the first 2. I think the problem to getting more out was that my rolling pin wasn't heavy enough. That's what I get for buying a $5 one.
I plan on making more, since I had made all the fillings and didn't get to use it all.
But I think they turned out well...
101 in 1001
I've got a few projects that I can post, and will get to those soon. They include a pair of socks and the startings of an afghan.
I've also decided to joing the 101 in 1001. It is described as follows:
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
March 1, 2007 – November 26, 2009
Now, I'm not going to be posting the whole list here. But it does include things like:
17. Pay off my car
20. Put down total of $XX on the principal for the mortgage
29. Apply for my passport
35. Visit Mann's Chinese Theatre
43. Sew 5 skirts
78. Flood the backyard one year for a back yard ice rink
87. Go curling
98. Learn how to make perogies
However, I would like to post about some of them as I complete them, so hopefully it's not too confusing when I do. But you never know. Maybe I will post a link to my 101 list.
No More Clunky Containers in My Purse
What I have been coveting recently. At $69Cdn, I'll have to save up my pennies for it.
More Green Tea
Putting it together was easy enough. Love that shade of green...
The muffins came out nicely. The inside was a little more dense than the muffins I normally make, but the consistency was more like a velvet than heavy muffin.
Green Tea Cookies
Adapted from Martha's Basic Sugar Cookies Recipe:
Green Tea Cookies
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) margerine
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp matcha powder
1. In large bowl, whisk flour, baking powder, matcha powder, and salt. With an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. With mixer on low, gradually add flour mixture; beat until combined. If the dough looks a little dry (because of the matcha powder), add a tsp of milk at a time until the dough starts to combine. Divide dough in half; flatten into disks. Wrap each in plastic; freeze until firm, at least 20 minutes, or place in a resealable plastic bag, and freeze up to 3 months (thaw in refrigerator overnight).