Project Spectrum
After making some bibs for little R in Australia, I got the sewing bug, but unable to make big projects because of my living situation (still in my mom's basement...we are looking at possession for the new house for the beginning of May now), I started making more bibs. And staying with the theme (ignore the sushi one. Not really red or pink)
I was able to sell them to someone who works at the same company as husband. They have their own internal classified ads on their intranet, so he posted it, and I was able to sell it. I've had a few requests for customization, so I am thinking seriously about setting up a website where you can choose what type of fabric you want for your bibs. I was thinking like $4 each or 3 for $10. I have the domain registered already, so I hope to get that going this weekend, maybe.
And one more pink thing is that (I ruined the surprise by being insistant) I've got one of these on the way. Now, I can't play a lick of guitar, but I am pretty good at the Guitar Hero. We'll see how that helps me be musical....
Tomorrow we find out if Daisey's surgery is a success. Hopefully it is and we don't have to worry about her going blind anymore.
All done!
Just wanted to thank all you who sent well wishes for Daisey. We appreciate it!
Everything is more or less back to normal...