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well, except for the cone part....



Daisey did well in the surgery. Poor girl is stuck in a cone for the next 10 days. She looks like she's got long eye lashes on her face because of the stitches.

She's adapting to the cone okay. It took her 2 or 3 days to figure out how to eat out of a bowl, we were scattering her food on to the floor for her the pick it up, and she has yet to master the technique of drinking water without tipping the bowl after she is done. Daisey was back to her old rambunctious self by Sunday, running around in the yard (supervised, of course) and scooping up snow into her cone (not on purpose, of course). She has also tried to bite Milo on the back of his leg (a favorite pasttime of hers) on more than one occassion, even though she's not doing that all that well right now.

We spent the weekend at home cuddling with Daisey. Daisey is not normally a cuddly girl but likes to be in the same room with the people she loves. But this weekend, there has been LOTS of cuddling. I have never had her ask me to carry her so many times and never had her crawl into my lap when I've sitting on the floor or on the couch.

I can't wait for her to get her stitches out. She'll be so happy when her head is no longer in that cone thing...


If You Can Dodge a Wrench You Can Dodge a Ball

Ligers in Action

Dodge Dive Dip Duck and Dodge

I hope to get better pictures next time...


An Evening With...

Before I start talking about who I spent the evening with, there's quite a few things to talk about in this 'catch-up' post.

1. I finished the first sock. Finally. I've cast on for the second and that give me 1 week to try to finish it. It's not going to happen. Here's that broken needle. I took it back to the yarn store that I purchased it from and they very nicely exchanged it for me.

2. My girl has pigmentary keratitis. We've known for about a month or so now, but we have finally scheduled her 'eye tuck' surgery for next week. Apparently her wrinkles on her face are so abundant that they are rubbing up against her eye. We also found out last night that while see can mostly see out of her left eye, she only has periferal vision in her right eye and major fuzziness in the middle. The vet said that it would probably be easy for us to sneak up on her on her right side.

3. I've given up on the baby sweater for little R in Australia. It's still summer over there, and by the time it's cool enough for a sweater, little R will be too big for it. I've started another project for him.

4. It's a little on the late side, but HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR or GONG HEI FAT CHOI. New Years for us is filled with activity: Gatherings, playing cards and lots of food. We went to a big dinner on Friday and Lion Dancing was on the itinerary. They get better every year with more daring acrobatics. I try to get a good picture every year, but always fail miserably.

5. The new house is well on it's way. Last we checked (last Friday), windows and doors were in, the locks on the doors have been installed, and the venting and plumbing are done. We are really hoping for an end of March possession.

6. And who did I spend the evening with? Well, not last night, but Monday night.

Kevin Smith. Well, okay, I didn't spend the eveing with him, per say. That was our own faults for getting tickets the morning of the show. We ended up sitting in the nosebleeds. What he does on these shows are mostly Q&A sessions. So people line up and ask questions, and he answers them. That's all. At intermission, I realized that there were like 15+ people in the line to ask a question, and that it was highly unlikely that he would get through all the people (we were getting kicked out of the facility at midnight) with 1.5 hours left. The view from the line was much better than from where we were sitting, so I thought of a lame question, and stood in line. Then the mean lady made us WAIT IN THE HALLWAY. People in line would miss most of the show because of waiting in the line. It wasn't fair. So we headed up back to the nosebleeds. Boo.

I must say, however, that the show was very entertaining in that poop/fart joke kind of way. He is very personable with his fans. But I think I would have enjoyed it more if we had better seats. Something to think about next time...



So last night, I was all pumped up to get going on my Jaywalker sock, which I am close to finishing (the first sock, anyways), and I take the carefully wrapped up sock out of my bag, and what do I see? My Brittany DPN had snapped in half!! OH THE TRAVESTY! I've only had these needles for barely 3 weeks. The website says that they have a 5 year guarantee but it takes 2 weeks to process if one is faulty. I can't wait that long....

I have resorted to putting 2 needles worth of stitches onto one needle for time being. But I will definitely need all 5 needles for the starting of the second sock.

I had such high hopes on finishing my Jaywalker socks for the Feb. 14 deadline....
